At present, the X platform offers users to option to access the platform in light, dark and a dim mode as per their preferences. Elon Musk-owned social media platform Twitter is now ‘X’, having bid adieu to the iconic bird logo which stood as the brand for years since inception. Twitter is no longer a company and has been merged with the newly formed X Corp. But it seems that Elon Musk has more changes planned for the microblogging forum. The billionaire in a tweet said that the platform will only be visible in the dark mode. A Twitter user had posted,"I like Black too but it won't work good in the dark mode". To which Musk replied,"This platform will soon only have “dark mode”. It is better in every way". The announcement has sparked concerns among users who are not too fond of the dark mode and feel that reading light texts in dark background could be challenging. A user posted,"I tend to use dark mode on most platforms where it's available but it s...
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